I have been absent from the blog more than usual and am soooo very late in my opinion to linking up with the edit me challenge but here goes:
This is the original photo given to work with from
and then of course this is my interpretation
I started by adjusting the layers (in photoshop elements 7.0)
I also used a couple CoffeeShop actions... first s-curve and then urban grit on the boat.
I ran a couple Pioneer Woman actions as well edge burn and changed the color to blue and then lovely and ethreal and did the lighten layer over the dock.
I then used a copy layer of the background with an artistic twist opacity about 50%
finally I added a Kim Klassen texture called canvas love in lighten mode
So whatcha think?
Check out other edit me submissions here:

Now onto the changes in my life! Goodness the biggest change is that my boss at work quit and moved thus leaving her position open for the taking.
So I am now officially the Office Manager! wow and yikes all in one. Assuming this role at this time of year means lots of catching up cause I have a class to teach to get new tax preparers in the office and all this is new to me.
And I bought myself a laptop... first thing I did was install Elements LOL
Well life is gonna get just a bit crazier and I'm still trying to not have that change my blogging world too much!
I love the vibrancy of your edit! Congratulations on your promotion!!! That is awesome! Hope the transition isn't TOO hectic! :)